Finally, had the chance to post my traveling collage that I have been trying to make for so long. Guess what, PAH PAH it's finally done and hang up on my wall. Now I can prove people that I actually travel way too much (maybe I meant flew?!).
Here are the process of how I made it...
This is my carry on suitcase, look what I've had saved in there!
Yup, here are over 80+ tickets, that I've had saved. Of course few
tickets are missing, possible few are in my scrapbook that my mom made before I turned 16. |
Yup, that is most of my tickets that I could keep! |
Even kept the baggage tickets. |
Here it is!! :-D |
Isn't this very neat idea uhu?! And guess what, you cannot find this on Pinterest!! It all came from my true side of my creativity brain! :-)
One thing about the collage, its hard to see but I had kept the boarding ticket since I would say 2005. Noticed boarding ticket design sorta of changed over time, I.e Look at United, Delta, and Continental airlines. I found that really neat and even put all different airlines that I frequency flew with, such has NWA -Northwest (which is no longer in service and took over by Delta), Delta, Frontier, Continental, and United. I flew AA, Jet blue and Airtran couples of times, others airlines that I didn't mention are the ones I haven't flew with yet.
God's good with providing us creative traits to be able to show who you are and your life! Loving it.... Here is what the bible said about creative - "And he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, with
intelligence, with knowledge, and with all craftsmanship, to devise
artistic designs, to work in gold and silver and bronze, ~ Exodus 35:31-32 and Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, ~Colossians 3:23
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