Here are new list of donate you are welcomed to donate to us.
Please consider to donate to those lovely children!
For Rochester, Please either give it to Olga or myself.
For Nebraska, please give it to my parents they will mail it to me
For out state, either mail it to Hands of Joy, address is provided on donate post. OR mail it to me. (email me for my address -
Here are the list....
-pencils and erasers
-ink pens, black, blue, red
-chalk, crayons and markers (roseart or crayola)
-sidewalk chalk
-pencil sharpeners (individual)
-whiteboard markers
-glue sticks
-scissors, both child and adult sized
-construction paper
-erasers for chalkboards and/or whiteboards
-**Card stock, colored, and white (They use these for report cards, certificates, and book covers.)
-**Laminating Pouches, 3 mil, 9 X 11 1/2 (Buy much more inexpensively online than in the store.)
-Full sized staplers and staples for the teachers and office
-Staple removers
-Index cards
-Coloring books appropriate for 5 year olds (ones that aren't full of -English games)
-Scotch tape
-Masking tape
-Toys for little children, which are strongly constructed,
such as playskul. Used is fine. You can ask your church for outgrown
toys. There isn't a lot of room outside to play, and it is all paved, so
they can use things like jump ropes and playground balls, but not
badminton sets or anything that depends on lots of space (except at
camp, of course).
Things not to bring:
notebook paper, or copy paper, composition books or binders. Paper is
very heavy, so it ends up being less expensive to buy it in country,
except the card stock and construction paper which are more expensive in
the DR, and often not available in reams. They do not use folders or
notebook paper in the DR schools. They do not use binder notebooks
either. (They use little stapled notebooks mostly, that are pretty
inexpensive in country.)
**asterisk by a few things that are hard to get there, that would be especially helpful.
I will have one (free) checked in suitcase which will be filled with donates! :-)
Thank you!!!!