Before and after my mission trip I visited my 3rd home, Rochester, New York! I can't believe it has been year since I moved away from Rochy. It was GREAT to be back and felt good too! The entire time I was able to visit my favorite people, attend my "home" church Open Door Baptist Church, and shop at Wegmans!!!!
Here are highlights during my time there!
First night I flew in late at night, my friends Olga and Chris were able to pick me up and went to our favorite late night Dine at "Jay's Diner"! Sorry no pictures were taken, we were way too busy chatting and catching up! After that went over to Olga's stayed with her and next day I went to see one of my good friends and ex-roommates and lovely lil daffy "Joy"!
Aww she'd gotten so big in a year! This is lil daffy "Joy"! I've watched
her mommy being pregnant and gave birth to her!! |
Coming up Sunday, I visited my "Home" church, Open Door Baptist Church! It was the best feeling to return to a place where I feel so peace, learned so much about who God is and myself! It was great to be there in person than watching their sermon online and be able to fellowship with rest of my church friends! I will always call this church "My Home"! I thank the Lord to lead me to a wonderful blessing church where I can feel comfortable learning more about him and talk about the bible with no fear!
Taken with Insgram |
What a nice chance reunite with my Snap!VRS-CS family!! We had a good time catching up and talking about our wonderful memories back when we worked together!!(Missing few folks, hope next time!) |
After staying with the Petersens, I was able to stay with my "Family"
The Talbotts and spend as much time with them, especially my little
Tals! It was so good to have them back in my arms, I just miss them so
This is exciting part of my trip, it was close to Caleb's birthday and he wanted a new bike so that he can train to do some Tours with his mom, Veronika! It was FUN to be part of this process!! I was so excited to be part of this!
Spending our night outside playing some baseball like always!! What a beautiful night!!! |
Early next morning, Veronika drop me off at the airport to join rest of my New York Missionary Team to Republican Dominica! (Excuse my eyes, I barely to be tired still!! (Me, Jacob, Wes, and Olga- others not pictured) |
After I got back from Dominica I was able to grab some more time with my buddies! We were able to go kayaking! I know I've always wanted to go kayaking there when I was living there and got to make it happen! Again it was BEAUTIFUL weather that day!
What a blast!! |
I also was able to hang out with the Klingensmith's! Am disappointed, I did have a pic with me and Connie, cannot find it anywhere! Argh, technology!! Anyways, it was blessing to have a wonderful church family that I stay close with and very welcoming whenever I come over to their lovely farm! Am excited to come back next time to see the result of their new remodeling of their house!!
Oh and was able to see my two beautiful interpreters friends, Amanda and Chelsea!!! Again, am disappointed lost pic of us too! Amanda and I met up at one of my favorite and a must at "Simple Crepes" then Chelsea met up with me little later at Erie Canal. It was SO good to see them!!
My last few days I grabbed more time with the Talbotts. We went out to the clubhouse n hit the go-karts, had ice cream, and just have a good time as a family till I had to flew back home for my next trip to Europe!
They can't keep up with me! HAHA!! |
Absolutely living in his dreams since he loves NASCAR! |
We went for a bike ride before they took me to the airport. It was Caleb's first time riding his new bike on the road! Was a blessing and special time for me to be part of it!! |
My beautiful "second" family! |
THANK YOU to all my ROCHESTER people for a FANTASTIC time!!! See you NEXT year!
It was my first time flying with Southwest airlines. I would say it was not too bad and wouldn't mind flying with them again! |
What a blessing to have family back home anxious to see me again!
Awwww!!! |
What a beautiful landing along with rainbow!! |
Love this shot by my mom! Those are my 3 lil munckins (cousins) waiting for my plane to port in and checking out the rainbow! |
Thank you Lord for allowing me to travel out to East coast to visit my friends. They are in my life because of you! Looking froward to see them again down the road in my life! In Jesus's Name AMEN!
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